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iSUB Shuffle not working

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:37 am
by xefil

I've noticed on iSUB that if I press "Shuffle" from the main screen a popuo shows me the Folders to Shuffle, but when I press on one, it shuffles random tracks, not related to the choosen folder (in our case genre).
BTW if I select Folders on the Tab Bar at the bottom (between Home and Playlist) I can select which "Folders" to see. If I select the same genre as previous case, then the folders are filtered.
While writing I've noticed I could press the "Genre Radio" to have the same result as the Shuffle option. But is this a iSUB or MusicCabinet issue?

Thank's, Simon

Re: iSUB Shuffle not working

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:05 am
by hakko
I'd say it is a MusicCabinet issue, actually. iSub isn't aware that you're running MusicCabinet at all, it's built to make use of the functions that a vanilla Subsonic server exposes. When talking to your MusicCabinet server, iSub has no idea that it isn't a Subsonic server.

The app could be made to look better if it had official MusicCabinet support from the author of iSub, but I wanted to get genre radio, related artists etc out to all apps immediately so I had to squeeze it in.

I guess that Shuffle should behave just like the genre radio, that would make most sense. The genre radio isn't completely random as it favors popular songs by popular artists, but it should be random enough.

Re: iSUB Shuffle not working

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:18 am
by xefil
Thank you for fast anser! I'll look forward on iSUB or using genre radio in case.

Bye, Simon

Re: iSUB Shuffle not working

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:09 pm
by hakko
I decided to keep Shuffle and Genre Radio slightly different. Shuffle should now take year and media folder (=genre) into account, but the returned tracks are randomly chosen from artists matching the genre. The Genre Radio is a bit more sophisticated, as it chooses tracks randomly, but favors popular artists and popular songs.