Genre Cloud Much Smaller After Re-install
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:17 pm
I had to do a complete re-install of Subsonic, Postgresql and MusicCabinet. Everything was a fresh install, I did not use any backups of the database or any settings. I have everything back to the way it was before, but my Genre Cloud is much smaller now after scanning my library. Many artists that used to be in say, "female vocalist" (now missing as a genre) do not show in any genre although they did before my re-install.
Is this just due to limitations imposed by Will my Genre Cloud rebuild itself over time, or is there anything that I can do to try to get all of the genres back?
Is this just due to limitations imposed by Will my Genre Cloud rebuild itself over time, or is there anything that I can do to try to get all of the genres back?