I have noticed that when I use the "play top tracks" feature, it will not play the tracks where another artist is featured (ABC feat. DEF). Some of such tracks are big hits. I think it would make sense to have them in the top tracks.
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insert into library.artisttoptrackplaycount (track_id, artist_id, rank, play_count)
select distinct on (lt.track_id) lt.id, aat.artist_id, att.rank, coalesce(tpc.play_count, 0) from library.filetag ft
inner join music.track at on ft.track_id = at.id
inner join music.track aat on ft.album_artist_id = aat.artist_id and at.track_name = aat.track_name
inner join library.track lt on lt.file_id = ft.file_id
inner join music.artisttoptrack att on att.track_id = aat.id and att.artist_id = aat.artist_id
left outer join library.trackplaycount tpc on tpc.track_id = at.id
where ft.artist_id <> ft.album_artist_id;
ERROR: schema "library" does not exist
LINE 1: insert into library.artisttoptrackplaycount (track_id, artis...
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