... it seems my top artists aren't fetching properly from last.fm. I have over 50k plays on my last.fm, so it should be enough. It seems to be omitting certain artists regardless of the time frame selected. Any suggestions?
Perhaps on a related note, there is just one artist showing up on most played.
... you can try this:
Code: Select all
elect lastfm_user, page, session_key is null, invocation_time from library.webservice_history h inner join music.lastfmuser u on h.lastfmuser_id = u.id where h.calltype_id = 7 order by lastfm_user, page;
Page is number of days (tre months, six months, twelve months, overall (-1)). session_key tells if you've identified correctly to last.fm. invocation_time is last time we received information from last.fm.
So I ran that and the output was:
-1;f;"2012-12-13 21:37:07.246"
90;f;"2012-12-13 21:37:03.563"
180;f;"2012-12-13 21:37:05.23"
360;f;"2012-12-13 21:37:06.261"
Not really sure what that is telling me other than it received information at the time. It's very odd that only certain artists are omitted. The artists listed are in order, but there are definitely ones missing from the list.
It's odd, because awhile ago when I tested MC out, it fetched all my last.fm info perfectly. It wouldn't have to do with any other applications I attached to my last.fm profile, could it?