Have you done any changes to the AbstractMusicBrainzClient.java? All these tests are there to verify that the code does what I expect it to do, and to help me notice if I break something. Now, AbstractMusicBrainzClientTest has one test for example ("throttlesToOneCallPerSecond") that simply invokes a fake call and measures that it takes longer than one second to execute. I should have realized before, but this test will fail when you change the code as it all of a sudden takes much shorter. So you need to remove that test, or run with mvn -fn (as you know it will fail).
Two things confuse me though: the other failing tests, I'd really expect all of them to work, except maybe JdbcDatabaseAdministrationDaoEnvironmentDependentTest (as it depends on your environment and should maybe not be there).
What was the output when you ran (or run) mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.github.hakko.musiccabinet.service.DatabaseAdministrationService ?
The other thing that confuses me is the hanging test. My best guess is that you made some change but left the sleep(Max(INTERVAL_MS ... part somehow in a way that makes it sleep forever. Or did you remove the sleep statement completely? I'm just guessing from the output though.
If I run just that test, it gives me this output:
- Code: Select all
musiccabinet-server $ mvn -Dtest=AbstractMusicBrainzClientTest clean test
Running com.github.hakko.musiccabinet.ws.musicbrainz.AbstractMusicBrainzClientTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.375 sec