Share link, genres and playlist functionality...
Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:17 am
I’ve posted similar suggestions to SubSonic (New Features Requests: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9354). Most of these, you’ve implemented in MusicCabinet :- ) That’s just fantastic. But still there is functionality I would suggest you consider:
Share link with registered user:
...where x is the object you're linking to: (a)lbum or (t)rack
...and y is the operation you want it to perform: (p)lay, (e)enqueue or (a)dd
...and id is the internal id to the object
if the user wasn’t logged on prior to clicking the link, you may implement
a redirect afterwards or the simplest way: you have to click the link again. One could also implement a popup box where the use choose the operation: (p)lay, (e)enqueue or (a)dd
...would enqueue and play next the track with id=342344 (whatever track that is :- ) (it would also be bookmarkable (is that a verb?))
Clickable genres:
Make the bars that make up the genres for an artist or an album - clickable. To the genre page.
Playlist - Wrap around up/down:
Make the move-up/down buttons wrapable so that if you're at the top, and move the track up the track flips to the bottom and visa versa.
Playlist - Random, current at top:
When you press the randomize button, always put the currently playing track at top of the playlist
Playlist - Random, even spread:
I can press the randomize button forever and not me satisfied with the mix. Once I implemented (in an application): if I detected three consecutive clicks on the randomize button, i did a randomize then spread the artists evenly throughout the playlist, trying to avoid two consecutive tracks by the same artist.
Share link with registered user:
...where x is the object you're linking to: (a)lbum or (t)rack
...and y is the operation you want it to perform: (p)lay, (e)enqueue or (a)dd
...and id is the internal id to the object
if the user wasn’t logged on prior to clicking the link, you may implement
a redirect afterwards or the simplest way: you have to click the link again. One could also implement a popup box where the use choose the operation: (p)lay, (e)enqueue or (a)dd
...would enqueue and play next the track with id=342344 (whatever track that is :- ) (it would also be bookmarkable (is that a verb?))
Clickable genres:
Make the bars that make up the genres for an artist or an album - clickable. To the genre page.
Playlist - Wrap around up/down:
Make the move-up/down buttons wrapable so that if you're at the top, and move the track up the track flips to the bottom and visa versa.
Playlist - Random, current at top:
When you press the randomize button, always put the currently playing track at top of the playlist
Playlist - Random, even spread:
I can press the randomize button forever and not me satisfied with the mix. Once I implemented (in an application): if I detected three consecutive clicks on the randomize button, i did a randomize then spread the artists evenly throughout the playlist, trying to avoid two consecutive tracks by the same artist.