Hey everybody. While my MP3 collection would happily stream ID3 info to my car stereo over Bluetooth, I'd noticed that it never did Album Art. I figured (and confirmed after PMing daneren) that it simply wasn't implemented as a feature. Imagine then my surprise then when a single song out of my entire collection arbitrarily decided to stream its album art to the display! I've tried replicating this success, digging into the extended id3 tags as well as even copying the album art over to a different song (using MP3Tag), but it still only streams the art with *this exact MP3*. That would lead me to think it's not the album art jpg itself, but something in how the MP3 specifically has been encoded.
So to summarize, I have a single track that can and does stream its album art over bluetooth, but I can't isolate exactly why this song can when the rest of my music library can't. That's why I'm posting here: I'm hoping that fellow users here can help isolate *exactly* what it is that's allowing this so I can (Hell, so that *all* interested can) modify the rest of my music library accordingly.
So for your listening pleasure (but trimmed to 30 seconds to hopefully avoid any moral issues with my linking to these):
Track A:http://arcticedge.net/Drops/ExtWaysA.mp3 (This is the one that DOES stream album art, at least on my setup)
and Track B: http://arcticedge.net/Drops/ExtWaysB.mp3 (And this one does not)
Thanks for your time folks.