Feature Request: Play a Random Album

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Feature Request: Play a Random Album

Postby Takkon » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:46 pm

I like to hear a whole album at a time but have them selected for me in random order. There is a poor man's version of this if you hit Random from the home screen. It will bring up a set of random albums but there is no way to condense them all into a large list of songs. I can always back out and play the next one on the list but there are times when I don't want to interrupt the flow of what I'm doing. Its a pretty niche feature but there aren't any music programs that cater to it. Google play included.
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Re: Feature Request: Play a Random Album

Postby mr_nobody » Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:00 pm

I've thought about a feature like this before...although it's exactly like your thread title: play A random album as in singular. I sometimes would like a random album chosen for me without having to select it from 20 random albums. But your description makes it sound more like you want a playlist of a bunch of albums in a random sequence. Whereas I just want _one_ album.

[edit]: There are hardware players that do this. Ipod classic does a "shuffle by album" and I have previously requested this feature for dsub. Rockbox has a "shuffle by folder" plugin.

[edit2]: See how I contradicted myself there? I guess I want both shuffle by album as well as play a random album! :P
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Re: Feature Request: Play a Random Album

Postby daneren2005 » Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:01 pm

Yah, it has been requested that there be a way to play all of the albums shown in recently added kind of like a normal list of albums. It is definitely on the todo list, and I think I am going to revisit possibly putting a option to decide whether you want to shuffle by album, or do a full shuffle of the entire artist.
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