All of my songs start with the track number followed by the track name (eg "04 Stairway to Heaven") but in the file list I only see the track name (eg. "Stairway to Heaven"). I also prefix all of my track name tags with the track number so if its generating the song name from the filename or the track name tag, it should still have the number prefix.
It seems that Subsonic is doing some sort of magic with this in an attempt at being helpful: if the first few characters of a track name are the same as the track number, it automatically removes them from what is displayed. But I often need to reference track numbers quickly for many reasons and some of my albums have 20+ tracks which makes simply counting down the list pretty difficult.
Is it possible to have subsonic simply look at the file name or song tag as-is w/o doing its own interpretation of what it thinks I want to see? Maybe just add a small option on what info to display at the track level?
In case there's any confusion, here's a link to a file: ... %20Act.mp3
-file name: 11 Final Act.mp3
-track name (tag): 11 Final Act
-as displayed in dSub: Final Act