Alright, then you must be getting a different error. Do you mind creating me a temp username/password for me and PMing or emailing it to me? I've found it's the fastest way to resolve these types of issues instead of me just trying to guess what it might be.
PS I'm really not sure why you guys are remembering there being a Show Artist button on the now playing screen. I don't remember it ever being there and I certainly wouldn't just taken it out because I was bored. And it would have had the same technical limitations that what I am doing now has. Before what I did have was that when you did Show Album, it automatically added the artist to the back stack, so when you pressed back it went to the artist instead of the library screen. I changed it to what it does now because some people didn't like that. But even then, when you were playing from a playlist it didn't do that because that information just wasn't available then.