Music downloads but unable to play, sent logcat for some help. HTC one M8, rooted, custom ROM, custom kernel.
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Moderators: daneren2005, moderators
daneren2005 wrote:That's what he said. I hope these transcode issues get fixed before the official release or I'm going to get a flood of these
What OS are you guys using, and what formats are failing (to/from)? It might be worth the time trying to figure this out so that Sindre can update it.
daneren2005 wrote:On Ubuntu, it is fairly easy to use the system ffmpeg instead of the bundled version. That's probably why I haven't had the same issues as other people since I do that. I will probably need to spend some time with the bundled version and see if I can figure out a transcode line which works with it.
mv ffmpeg ffmpeg.bak
ln -s /usr/bin/ffmpeg ffmpeg
sudo mv /var/subsonic/transcode/ffmpeg /var/subsonic/transcode/ffmpeg.bak
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ffmpeg /var/subsonic/transcode/ffmpeg
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