[REQ] Choose library folder when browsing by tags

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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[REQ] Choose library folder when browsing by tags

Postby rubbersoul » Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:30 pm

I prefer the browse by tags functionality because it correctly displays the artist name when non-allowable folder characters are involved. This has become even more desirable with the latest last.fm integration.

I have a slight problem however. I also have my library split into two folders: all music and favorites. the favorites folder is simply a collection of simlinks to my favorite albums. this way when i want to look through everything i select one folder, and when I want to look through just the stuff I know I like I select favorites folder.

I'm wondering if it is at all possible to extend the browse by tags functionality to still allow selecting the parent directory of the library like is available when not browsing by tags? The artist lists would still be generated by tags, but the music subset would be limited to the parent directory if that makes sense.
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Re: [REQ] Choose library folder when browsing by tags

Postby daneren2005 » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:09 pm

Unfortunately browsing by tags does not support folders, and Sindre has stated he does not intend to add the ability to do that. Trust me, it takes more code to not allow browsing by folders for tag browsing, so I would like it just as much ;)
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Re: [REQ] Choose library folder when browsing by tags

Postby rubbersoul » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:28 pm

Understood! Thanks for explaining the situation :D
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Re: [REQ] Choose library folder when browsing by tags

Postby grumpwagon » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:11 pm

The easiest way to fix this for your situation would be to remove your favorites folder, and just star all your favorites. That way you can use the starred feature in dsub or the web client to get the exact same experience you have now, without this issue.
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Re: [REQ] Choose library folder when browsing by tags

Postby rubbersoul » Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:17 pm

Thanks for the suggestion grumpwagon. I've considered doing this, but I also have a folder for recently released albums (from the last year) that I would lose if I did that. Also, my favorites list is about 500 albums long which I don't want to see as a list of albums but rather a list of artists first (which I don't think is supported by the starred feature). I also plan to introduce more folders in the future as I improve the tagging of my library. I have a large collection that benefits from some overarching filters to browse through a smaller subset of music depending on my mood so I like to have some control over those filters for my browsing.
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