REQ: Scrobble tracks while "offline'

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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REQ: Scrobble tracks while "offline'

Postby rubbersoul » Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:05 am

I primarily use DSub in 'offline' mode to save data by listening to the music I have cached. I'll often go weeks without leaving 'offline' mode. While DSub attempts to scrobble all those tracks when going back in online mode, it does fail sometimes and in the meantime my scrobble history isn't being updated. I was wondering if it could be made an option to attempt to scrobble while in offline mode (and cache if no connection is found).

An alternative idea would be to get ride of the 'offline' button and replace it with a 'Cached Music' button below the 'Library' button when logged into a server.
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Re: REQ: Scrobble tracks while "offline'

Postby kermit22 » Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:50 pm

[quote]An alternative idea would be to get rid of the 'offline' button and replace it with a 'Cached Music' button below the 'Library' button when logged into a server.[/quote]

+1 I'd love to see this as an option.
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