USB out to DAC not working

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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USB out to DAC not working

Postby cnschulz » Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:49 am


I think I have found a problem across multiple clients (DSub, Ultrasonic etc). I am Running Subsonic 6.1.6 on Ubuntu 20.04 and DSub client 5.5.1 on Android 10 (Xiaomi Mi9 Lite). Play works normally via 3.5mm headphone jack however I would like to output a digital signal to a USB DAC. When I plug the DAC in an play a song the sont tracks along in the time bar however no signal is passed to the DAC. Spotify plays fine to the DAC as does Neutron player and other "HiDef" players. Here's the interesting bit: If I switch to Spotify, press play (Spotify music can be heard in headphones) and the immediately switch to DSub and press play, the DSub song plays fine. At the end of the song the initial situation is repeated; song paying but with no sound. So it seems like DSub is not opening the device properly whereas Spotify (and other players) do.

Any tips on how I can get around this as its very frustrating not being able to play my Subsonic library through my DAC.

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