Feature Request: Bluetooth

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby daneren2005 » Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:29 pm

Ok so there are some apparent issues with bluetooth. I need to gather some information and I would like to have it all in one thread. Sorry I have to depend on you guys for this information since I don't even own anything with bluetooth in it (except the phones themselves). Let me start from the top (please include Phone info too):

1) Sometimes playback doesn't stop when bluetooth is disconnected. Sometimes it does. Can I get examples from people when it does or doesn't? For example, can you list what type of bluetooth device it is, whether it disconnects or not, and what you did to "disconnect" it.

2) Bluetooth controls. Someone just left a comment saying that next/prev buttons don't work on bluetooth. Same thing as #1, can I get all the relevant information about what type of bluetooth device you are using and the behavior you are observing when attempting to do it.

3) Bluetooth metadata. This one I more just want to know what type of devices are even supporting it. Should it be sending this information over a2dp or are there other types of devices that support the metadata?

If anyone has any information on getting any of this working in the form of source code from other projects or patches please link to it here so I can review it.
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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby daneren2005 » Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:48 pm

All of the information I am finding indicates that 99% of the android devices out there do not support AVRCP 1.3 which is needed to do prev/next and get metadata. If you have it working in different apps can you please include what phone/ROM you are using + the app? I'm curious whether other apps have found some way around this to get it to work even on non 1.3 supported ROMs.
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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby hairlesshobo » Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:54 pm

I have used the stock subsonic app on my samsung Galaxy player with the factory rom (GB) and play controls over bluetooth worked perfectly. I will try this out with more detail using some different apps and report the results for you as soon as I can.

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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby daneren2005 » Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:56 pm

Some links I'm putting in here for easy lookup:

avrcp patch
Github AVRCP
Github Bluetooth Disconnect
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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby plastikman » Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:43 am

Great idea to make a BT thread.

So I know that my car (2013 Mazda CX-5) supports audio information as well as next/previous/pause/play via Bluetooth controls.

I am using a Samsung galaxy nexus (Toro) running CM10 nightlies (I don't expect ROM support).

Using Apollo (stock CM music app) I can see track info and skip and pause tracks. With subsonic I can skip and pause (so long as I check the use media buttons option), dsub works the same.

Every time I stop my car Apollo and subsonic pause the playing track, most times dsub just keeps playing (perhaps it misses the pause?).

If I think of mor I'll post. I love dsub BTW!

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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby daneren2005 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:57 am

Here is a bluetooth beta for people to play with. It has two "improvements":

1) Detects more disconnect events
2) Sends metadata

As far as I'm aware the bluetooth metadata requires avcrp 1.3 support which no version of Android supports be default, but a lot of manufacturers and custom rom developers have put it in, so some people will be able to use it. Can I get feedback on both parts? Is anything new working or is it the same as before/Subsonic?
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Re: Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby wikke » Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:30 pm

phone= s2
rom= cm10 nightlies, android 4.1.2
car= Ford model 2009

1) I sometimes encounter problems when having started media playback in dsub _before_ connecting with the car ( so output has to change to from speaker to bluetooth)

2) media buttons sometimes (not often) respond with a few seconds lag soon after connecting. It resolves itself, and apart from this it works fine

3) Having wiped the device a few times, haven't encountered ANY app/rom other than original stock gingerbread Samsung app/rom with which metadata has actually worked.... :'(
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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby ghost5 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:53 pm

I will test this out as soon as i can as I believe my cm10 rom has the built in Bluetooth support.


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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby ghost5 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:06 pm

Just tried it and it didn't work but I've never had any app that works with this car so don't read too much into it

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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby wafflesid » Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:39 am

Bluetooth works perfectly with the beta linked here.

I have Cyanogenmod 10 release for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus (TORO) and a 2013 Toyota Venza with Entune.

Track Next/Prev Play/Pause all works, album artwork appears (although I've seen some tracks where it is displaying different artwork than the artwork on the screen on my phone).

Hell yeah man. Extremely happy about this :)
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Re: Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby wikke » Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:37 am

just tried the build you put here, all the above is working fine (as it has before) except track metadata..

might as well be a cm10 bug for my device since it wasn't working with other apps either (although I only use dsub nowadays :-D )
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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby plastikman » Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:06 pm

The beta works great. BT metadata and proper BT start/stop in my car (2013 Mazda CX-5).

Running CM10 nightlies on Verizon galaxy nexus.
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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby corbincc » Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:15 pm

The Bluetooth auto connect and disconnect works great in my 2010 Lincoln MKS....... much better and faster than the original subsonic app. Thanks

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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby daneren2005 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:56 pm

Well I'm glad at least the connect/disconnect is all working for everyone now. Unless someone reports something which breaks a previously working feature I will be releasing this in the next update.
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Re: Feature Request: Bluetooth

Postby EdgeKun » Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:01 pm

daneren2005 wrote:2) Bluetooth controls. Someone just left a comment saying that next/prev buttons don't work on bluetooth. Same thing as #1, can I get all the relevant information about what type of bluetooth device you are using and the behavior you are observing when attempting to do it.

Hey man! I'm not sure if i was the only one or not, but i know for sure that I had left a comment regarding car controls and bluetooth in the old thread towards the end. (I had forgotten about checking on this until just today) The phone is an HTC Droid Incredible (Running CyanogenMod 7.2.0), and the car's a Toyota Prius 2012. (Model 3) Since I just saw this thread and am at work, I haven't had the chance to try out the beta apk and see if that fixes issues. Will do so first chance I get. ;D

Just to reiterate (since i think i said it last thread), thanks so much for taking the time to make sure your user base is happy. This kind of support seems to be a rare thing nowadays! =)
EDIT ---
Just tested it in the car. ID3 tags are properly displaying and steering wheel controls are working great! :D (For the first time using Subsonic in my car, to boot!) All I could possibly think of extra would be album art, but I'm pretty ecstatic as is with this update.
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