No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby troycarpenter » Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:46 pm

I just took my Samsung Note 10.1 running Kit-Kat (4.4.2) out to the car and it works fine with one exception. For the first track, I get the correct track number (001), but when it goes to the second track, the track number on the headunit is one greater than in DSub. So the second track shows as track 003 on the head unit, the third track shows as track 004 and so on.

For the S3, I'll see if there is something about the custom ROM I am using. It's based on the last AT&T TW 4.3 release but there may be something in the customizations that changed the Bluetooth behavior.
Madsonic 6.2.9240
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby daneren2005 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:11 pm

Can anyone else confirm the track number being off by one? I have it +1'd because the old implementation that CM used (4.1 and below I believe) required it. I want to make sure it's not a quirk of your specific setup before I change it.
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Re: No Bluetooth Info -- Android 4.3 and DSub 4.3.5

Postby troycarpenter » Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:43 am

Just a quick data point. When I used an AOSP version of Kit-Kat, it did NOT have the one-track off problem. My Note 10.1 tablet did with Samsung stock 4.4.2 firmware.

I am about to put 4.3 back on the S3 to see if I will get output on the receiver, and if so, I'll see if the count is one off.
Madsonic 6.2.9240
DSub on Samsung Note Edge
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