by stormwatch » Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:59 am
Thanks for adding support for RG.
I have a collection with various formats including FLAC, MP3, OGG, AAC, etc. I use mp3gain to apply RG to my MP3 files. The script I use writes tags *and* modifies the gain of the audio, this is useful when playing through devices that don't support RG and I'd like to keep things this way. The problem is I *believe* (please confirm) that DSub is reading MP3 tags and applying RG to a file that is already processed with RG by mp3gain. If that is the case I'd like to ask for some reccomendation on a solution.
I've pondering about 2 options:
1) Undo mp3gain but leave RG info in tags, which I can do right now
2) Ask for the developer(s) to add a feature: omit RG if the source file is mp3, or even better, omit RG if the audio gain was already modified, altough I am not sure if this is possible to detect somehow. How does mp3gain undo its own RG?