First let me say that I am a big fan of this application, and subsonic in general. I use this app to remote control a subsonic jukebox on a headless ubuntu server hooked up to my stereo via a DAC. I am using MusicCabinet, and combined with DSub's ablity to pick up Top Tracks and Artist Radio, Related Artists etc, it offers functions and ease of use I haven't found in any other setup. I am very happy to have spent my money supporting Subsonic and DSub!
However things could always be improved, and here is my list of features/fixes that I would be extremely happy to see integrated (in order of importance to me):
- * Confirm on Exit - I can't tell how many times I've pressed the back button expecting to end up in Home or Library and instead exiting the application. This is probably the most annoying thing about using this excellent app.
- * Better library navigation/Context menu - Adding "Show artist" and "Show Album" to the long press menu in the library/playlist would be a HUGE improvement in navigation.
- * Grid view - I am sure that this has been requested before, but the ability to view artist/album lists in a grid view would be great.
- * Artist Thumbnail - It would be nice to have a thumbnail of the artists in the Library, either from an album or from as MusicCabinet does.
- * Persistent Remote Control - As I said, I use DSub primarily as a remote control. The ability to have a persistent setting in the settings menu would be nice.
Adding these features would be really nice. If only Sindre would add gapless playback and get rid of the annoying "pop" at the start of every song this could be the ultimate way to remote control a music server/jukebox.
Thanks for reading!