I share my server with a few friends, who all have purchased Dsub on my recommendation, however, when any film/TV is watched, the video always seems to stop before the end (even on a local network this happens).
I use the webm transcoding string:
ffmpeg -ss %o -t %d -i %s -async 1 -b 750k -s 640x360 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -v 0 -f webm -vcodec libvpx -preset superfast -acodec libvorbis -threads 3 -
I am not sure if it is subsonic, ffmpeg or dsub that is causing it - is there a good way to collect logs for this issue?
Dsub: 3.7.5
4.7 (build 3105) – September 11, 2012
jetty-6.1.x, java 1.6.0_27, Linux