I recently found that bug and now found the logic when and how exactly it happens:
Problem: When you change the playback-order in the "Now Playing"-view (press long on a song and move its position) the position is changed (visually) but DSub still plays the original order.
It doesn't do that though if you skip to the next song (it only happens if you listen the first song to the end and it auto-skips) or if you hit pause and play again before it skips to the next song.
"Now Playing"-list
Song 1 //Now playing
Song 2
Song 3
Song 4
If you now move Song 4 between Song 1 and 2, DSub will end Song 1 and then skip to Song 2 (instead to Song 4)
How to reproduce:
- Have a few songs in "Now Playing"
- Start listening
- Move any song after the one now playing.
- DO NOT SKIP TO THE NEXT SONG (let the current finish, the time-slider can be moved to the end, though)
- the moved song is ignored