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Updated Playlists

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:14 am
by dewd
Sorry if this has been discussed. I am not allowed to search for the word "playlist" because it is too common. :shock:

I created a playlist on the server (Madsonic) and accessed it on the phone(version 4.14). I copied all of the songs to my phone. Later I added additional songs to the playlist on the server. It does not update on the phone. I tried refreshing it several times and confirmed it is correct on the server.

Can you make it sync with the server? Or is it Madsonic causing the problem.


EDIT: It is Madsonic 5.0.3600.beta5

Re: Updated Playlists

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:33 am
by daneren2005
Madsonic might not be correctly duplicating the changes to the app. When you click refresh in the app they don't show up? What about if you go menu -> exit, then go back and look at it again?

Re: Updated Playlists

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:35 pm
by dewd
GRRRRR!!! Never mind. I was in offline mode. :oops:

When online it works as expected. I will go stand in the corner for 30 minutes for being a stupid.

Thanks again for a great app.