Some Music wont play

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Some Music wont play

Postby zosopage » Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:15 pm

I am fighting a weird issue. I have both an Iphone and Android phone, so I use Isub and Dsub both. Iphones can do .ogg files, but android can. I can play most of my 300 gig library but sometimes, I run into an album that gives me fits. NIN latest and GoldFrapp are the latest ones. I have tried different ROM's on the device (all AOSP based), and I have removed the .ogg enoding with the same results on the same albums. I have also installed the normal subsonic app and cant get them to play either. On the Isub device, everything plays fine. I know it probably isn't Dsub related since the normal subsonic app does the same thing. Anyone heard of this happening and how do I fix?

BTW, the device is downloading somthing as I see 800KB of traffic going, but it doesnt show a damn thing from the app at all.

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Re: Some Music wont play

Postby daneren2005 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:46 pm

Are you doing having Subsonic play the .ogg files directly, or are they being transcoded into .mp3 like is the norm? I know a lot of people have had issues with .ogg files before, and that is just a matter of whatever phone you have supporting it correctly. Some do, some don't. There isn't a whole lot that can be changed on the client end for that. I also remember one guy in a email saying that for him the .ogg files played fine if they were .oga instead, but then the metadata didn't get read by Android correctly.
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Re: Some Music wont play

Postby zosopage » Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:45 pm

I am transcoding from mp3 to ogg. From what you are saying, that may be the issue. I will try to remove the ogg transcoding for now and just go from mp3 to mp3.

Code: Select all
convert from flac mp3 convert to OGG using:  ffmpeg -i %s -acodec libvorbis -ab %bk -f ogg -
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Re: Some Music wont play

Postby zosopage » Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:01 pm

I have been investigating this for a couple months. I have found that on ROMS with my phone (EVO 4g LTE), if I use a sense based rom, I have no problems playing music on shuffle all day. On AOSP roms (CM 10.2 and CM 11) I have the issue where certain songs will not download. I do not believe this to be an encoding issue as most of my music is 320 MP3's. I am encoding to OGG. I have tried to just play straight MP3 with no encoding and have the same issue. On my work Iphone, I do not have an issue using the Isub client. I do not necessary believe that this is a Dsub issue, but more of an individual phone idiosyncrasy. Unfortunately, I do not see anyway to resolve this issue if I am the only person seeing it. Since I prefer AOSP ROMS, It may be something that is needed to be lived with.

Is there anything I can do to get information to show what happens from a debug type of logcat? Let me know if there is anything I can do on my side and I will be happy to send you whatever is needed.
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