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Scroll-by-letter scroll bar not working in the LIBRARY

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:47 pm
by somercamb
Hi there,

I wish I could do a screenshot of this, but it's not possible if my finger is already on the scroll bar. I have V4.1.6 and even with 4.1.4 (I skipped 4.1.5), in OFFLINE mode, the scroll-by-letter bar does not work in the LIBRARY section. Sometimes, It gets stucks at whatever letter I am at (usually 'A'), but most of the time the bar will scroll, but the artists' names will not scroll,until I get to the very bottom. To be even more precise, the artists will scroll to about the C section and then goes automatically to the artists beginning with T and skips everything in between. Thank you