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A couple of DSub ideas...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:22 pm
by apastuszak
So I installed DSub yesterday and immediately uninstalled all the other Subsonic clients I was trying out.

One of the features I would love to use Subsonic/DSub for is podcasts, but I listen to Podcasts at 1.5x - 1.7x speed pn PocketCasts now. I don't really want to give up the accelerated playback. It would be great if DSub could cache a podcast and allow me to play it back at faster than normal speed with pitch correction. I would also love this for audiobooks. I posted a feature request that Subsonic be able to treat Audiobooks as a separate category.

Just some grumblings from a happy user.

Re: A couple of DSub ideas...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:42 pm
by daneren2005
I can look into it, but I'm honestly not sure how they ended up doing that. I don't think there is an option to control the speed of the playback in the Android media framework, so they might have had to bake their own solution, which I don't really have time to do :(

Re: A couple of DSub ideas...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:53 pm
by apastuszak
My understanding was that it was available in 4.0 and higher using something called "Sonic"

Re: A couple of DSub ideas...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:08 pm
by apastuszak
Here is what I have found:

There's also an app in the Play Store called "Presto" that is supposed to make using Sonic easier for developers.

That's all I have.

Re: A couple of DSub ideas...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:54 pm
by daneren2005
The sonic library looks interesting. It doesn't look incredibly easy, but it does look possible. I will add it to the todo list.

Re: A couple of DSub ideas...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:57 pm
by apastuszak
Thanks for looking at it.

Re: A couple of DSub ideas...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:15 am
by Zippo2000
Hello together,
I would be very interested in some speed/pitch control too. Any chance that you can implement this in DSub in the near future?
Thank You very much for this great work!!