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Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:07 am
by hodlok

This is my frist post in this forum, I discovered subsonic last month and I've fallen in love with it... I tried all the Android clients and DSub is the best by far (in my opinion...)

I'm from Spain, and all the clients are in english, but I think it would be great to have at least one of the clients in that language.

Is there any way to help translating? I don't know about programming, but I think I could translate almost everything on the Android client

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:56 am
by daneren2005
Of course, I always welcome new translators. I only know the one language, so I haven't been able to do anything past waiting for others to do the work. Attached is a file called strings.xml. Inside are a list of strings, as well as there identifiers that the program uses to know where to look. For example, there first string value is:

<string name="common.appname">DSub</string>

There, all you would translate is the "DSub" part, the rest is part of the programming markup. Say, "OK" in Spanish was "asdfsd" (obviously it isn't). The following:

<string name="common.ok">OK</string>

would become

<string name="common.ok">asdfsd</string>

And then email the resulting file back to me to be included in the app. It's a lot of work, so I completely understand if you don't want to anymore. But partial translations also work, so if all you feel like are some of the common words then they will appear in Spanish and the rest will still be in English :D

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:37 pm
by hodlok

I've done the translation. I attached the .xml file here, so you can take it.

I hope everything is ok, but I don't know if some characters will work fine, like "á", "é", ... and our different character, "ñ"

Could you tell me if everything is ok, and in case of don't showing that characters well, how could I fix it?

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:51 pm
by daneren2005
From what I can tell it looks fine. At least the IDE I use to program doesn't seem to find anything wrong with the weird characters. Thank you very much for the translation :D

PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:12 pm
by hodlok
Thank you for this awesome program!

Tell me if you encounter any problem, I'll help you if I can.

Enviado desde mi Nexus 5 mediante Tapatalk

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:43 pm
by hodlok
Hi again

I've just downloaded the new version and I love the UI changes. I've noticed that now are some strings without translation, so if you want I can translate them

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:04 pm
by daneren2005
It should just be the bookmark stuff correct?

<string name="download.save_bookmark_title">Create bookmark</string>
<string name="download.save_bookmark">Bookmark created</string>
<string name="bookmark.delete">Delete bookmark</string>
<string name="bookmark.deleted">Deleted the bookmark for \"%s\"</string>
<string name="bookmark.deleted_error">Failed to delete the bookmark for \"%s\"</string>
<string name="bookmark.details">Song: %1$s
\nComment: %2$s
\nPosition: %3$s</string>

I think that is all the new ones.

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:16 pm
by hodlok
daneren2005 wrote:It should just be the bookmark stuff correct?

<string name="download.save_bookmark_title">Create bookmark</string>
<string name="download.save_bookmark">Bookmark created</string>
<string name="bookmark.delete">Delete bookmark</string>
<string name="bookmark.deleted">Deleted the bookmark for \"%s\"</string>
<string name="bookmark.deleted_error">Failed to delete the bookmark for \"%s\"</string>
<string name="bookmark.details">Song: %1$s
\nComment: %2$s
\nPosition: %3$s</string>

I think that is all the new ones.

Yes, but there are some more to translate, for example, in Preferences menú, "Playback" would be "Reproducción", and inside this menú, "Pause on disconnect" would be "Pausar al desconectar", and the options inside:

"Pause on either": Pausar en ambos
"Pause only for headphone": Pausar sólo con auriculares
"Pause on for bluetooth": Pausar sólo en bluetooth
"Do nothing": No hacer nada

Also, in Preferences > Appearance:

Podcasts enablesd: podcasts habilitados (mostrar o no mostrar las listas de podcasts en el menú)
Bookmarks enabled: marcadores habilitados (mostrar o no mostrar la lista de marcadores en el menú)
Hide widget: ocultar el widget (ocultar el widget tras salir de la aplicación)

I think that those would be the strings to correct, I'll tell you if I find more

<string name="download.save_bookmark_title">Crear marcador</string>
<string name="download.save_bookmark">Marcador creado</string>
<string name="bookmark.delete">Borrar marcador</string>
<string name="bookmark.deleted">Borrado marcador para \"%s\"</string>
<string name="bookmark.deleted_error">Error al borrar el marcador para \"%s\"</string>
<string name="bookmark.details">Canción: %1$s
\nComentario: %2$s
\nPosición: %3$s</string>

PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:00 pm
by daneren2005
Ah I probably have those hard coded for some reason. I will try to go through and make sure that they are using string references and get a list to you for translation.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:37 am
by daneren2005
I have no idea how the file I gave you was so outdated. Here is my attempt to grab only the differences of missing strings. Hopefully this is everything.

<string name="settings.cache_screen_title">Cache/Network</string>
<string name="settings.playback_title">Playback</string>
<string name="settings.hide_widget_title">Hide Widget</string>
<string name="settings.hide_widget_summary">Hide widget after exiting app</string>
<string name="settings.podcasts_enabled">Podcasts Enabled</string>
<string name="settings.podcasts_enabled_summary">Whether or not to display the podcast listing in the pull out drawer</string>
<string name="settings.bookmarks_enabled">Bookmarks Enabled</string>
<string name="settings.bookmarks_enabled_summary">Whether or not to display the bookmarks listing in the pull out drawer</string>

<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_title">Pause on Disconnect</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_both">Pause on either</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_headphone">Pause only for headphone</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_bluetooth">Pause only for bluetooth</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_neither">Do Nothing</string>

<string name="common.empty">None found</string>

<string name="button_bar.bookmarks">Bookmarks</string>

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:09 am
by hodlok
Here is the translation

Code: Select all
<string name="settings.cache_screen_title">Caché/Red</string>
<string name="settings.playback_title">Reproducción</string>
<string name="settings.hide_widget_title">Ocultar Widget</string>
<string name="settings.hide_widget_summary">Ocultar widget tras abandonar la aplicación</string>
<string name="settings.podcasts_enabled">Podcasts Habilitados</string>
<string name="settings.podcasts_enabled_summary">Mostrar o no mostrar el apartado Podcasts en el menú</string>
<string name="settings.bookmarks_enabled">Marcadores Habilitados</string>
<string name="settings.bookmarks_enabled_summary">Mostrar o no mostrar el apartado Marcadoresen el menú</string>

<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_title">Pausar al desconectar</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_both">Pausar en todos los casos</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_headphone">Pausar sólo con auriculares</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_bluetooth">Pausar sólo en bluetooth</string>
<string name="settings.disconnect_pause_neither">No hacer nada</string>

<string name="common.empty">No se ha encontrado nada</string>

<string name="button_bar.bookmarks">Marcadores</string>

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:11 am
by daneren2005
New strings to translate:

<string name="menu.keep_synced">Keep Synced</string>
<string name="menu.stop_sync">Stop syncing</string>

<string name="settings.sync_title">Sync</string>
<string name="settings.sync_enabled">Sync Enabled</string>
<string name="settings.sync_enabled_summary">Whether or not playlists or podcasts are periodically checked for changes</string>
<string name="settings.sync_interval">Sync Interval</string>
<string name="settings.sync_wifi">Sync on Wifi only</string>
<string name="settings.sync_wifi_summary">Only sync while on wifi</string>

<string name="settings.theme_fullscreen">Fullscreen</string>
<string name="settings.theme_fullscreen_summary">Hide as many UI elements as Android will allow</string>

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:45 am
by hodlok

Code: Select all
<string name="menu.keep_synced">Mantener sincronizado</string>
<string name="menu.stop_sync">Detener sincronización</string>

<string name="settings.sync_title">Sincronizar</string>
<string name="settings.sync_enabled">Sincronización habilitada</string>
<string name="settings.sync_enabled_summary">Comprobar o no comprobar periódicamente cambios en las listas de reproducción o podcasts</string>
<string name="settings.sync_interval">Intervalo de sincronización</string>
<string name="settings.sync_wifi">Sincronizar sólo con Wifi</string>
<string name="settings.sync_wifi_summary">Sincronizar únicamente al estar conectado a una red Wifi</string>

<string name="settings.theme_fullscreen">Pantalla completa</string>
<string name="settings.theme_fullscreen_summary">Esconder tantos elementos de la interfaz como Android permita</string>

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:36 pm
by daneren2005
Lots of additions waiting for translation :D

Code: Select all
<string name="main.albums_year">Decades</string>
<string name="menu.show_all">Show all media</string>
<string name="settings.sync_most_recent">Sync Recently Added</string>
<string name="settings.sync_most_recent_summary">Automatically cache newly added albums</string>
<string name="settings.sync_starred">Sync Starred</string>
<string name="settings.sync_starred_summary">Automatically cache songs, albums, and artists which are starred</string>
<string name="download.downloading_title">Downloading %1$d songs</string>
<string name="download.downloading_summary">Current: %1$s</string>
<string name="sync.title">DSub: New media is available</string>
<string name="sync.new_podcasts">New podcasts: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_playlists">New in playlists: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_albums">New albums: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_starred">New starred songs</string>
<string name="settings.sync_notification">Show Sync Notification</string>
<string name="settings.sync_notification_summary">Show a notification after new media has been synced</string>

Re: Translation, could I help?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:46 pm
by hodlok
daneren2005 wrote:Lots of additions waiting for translation :D

Code: Select all
<string name="main.albums_year">Decades</string>
<string name="menu.show_all">Show all media</string>
<string name="settings.sync_most_recent">Sync Recently Added</string>
<string name="settings.sync_most_recent_summary">Automatically cache newly added albums</string>
<string name="settings.sync_starred">Sync Starred</string>
<string name="settings.sync_starred_summary">Automatically cache songs, albums, and artists which are starred</string>
<string name="download.downloading_title">Downloading %1$d songs</string>
<string name="download.downloading_summary">Current: %1$s</string>
<string name="sync.title">DSub: New media is available</string>
<string name="sync.new_podcasts">New podcasts: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_playlists">New in playlists: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_albums">New albums: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_starred">New starred songs</string>
<string name="settings.sync_notification">Show Sync Notification</string>
<string name="settings.sync_notification_summary">Show a notification after new media has been synced</string>

Translation done! :)

Code: Select all
<string name="main.albums_year">Décadas</string>
<string name="menu.show_all">Mostrar todo el contenido</string>
<string name="settings.sync_most_recent">Sincronizar añadidos recientemente</string>
<string name="settings.sync_most_recent_summary">Descargar a caché albumes añadidos recientemente</string>
<string name="settings.sync_starred">Sincronizar los elementos con estrella</string>
<string name="settings.sync_starred_summary">Descargar a caché automáticamente canciones, albumes y artistas que contengan estrella</string>
<string name="download.downloading_title">Descargando %1$d canciones</string>
<string name="download.downloading_summary">En este momento: %1$s</string>
<string name="sync.title">DSub: Nuevo contenido multimedia disponible</string>
<string name="sync.new_podcasts">Nuevos podcasts: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_playlists">Nuevos en listas de reproducción: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_albums">Nuevos álbumes: %s</string>
<string name="sync.new_starred">Nuevas canciones con estrella</string>
<string name="settings.sync_notification">Mostrar notificación de sincronización</string>
<string name="settings.sync_notification_summary">Mostrar una notificación tras haber sincronizado nuevo contenido</string>