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Dsub clears playlist upon waking phone

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:35 pm
by waltonb

The latest update to Dsub has created a very annoying issue. I use this app *all the time*, it's great.

Using a Galaxy Nexus JellyBean 4.3. This problem has begun with one of the very recent Dsub updates.

I connect to my server, choose library shuffle, put the screen to sleep, in my pocket and away I go, with my tunes playing.

At some point later I take my phone out to check the time, or whatever. When I push the right side button to wake the screen, the music stops and the playlist is empty.

This is very annoying... I have Dsub set to preload 5 songs, and so when the playlist clears I basically have to start over and reconnect. And then try to avoid waking the phone for no good reason lest I lose my playlist. It doesn't happen every time, but at least a couple of times during my day.

Anyone else seeing this behavior? I can tolerate minor bugs, but this one seems pretty major.. at least for my usage mode.

Anything I can do to help debug this, please let me know.

thanks -bruce.

Re: Dsub clears playlist upon waking phone

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:21 pm
by daneren2005
After it loses your list can you send me a log? Go to the Home screen immediately after and look in the overflow menu -> Send Log.

Re: Dsub clears playlist upon waking phone

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:00 pm
by waltonb
OK, I think you should have a couple of logs I generated on my commute this morning. Let me know if you don't see them.

It seems that the behavior differs a bit when in "offline" shuffle mode. The music stops playing upon waking the screen, but instead of clearing the playlist, it goes to the beginning of the playlist, i.e. loses its "now playing" place in the list.

thanks -bruce.

Re: Dsub clears playlist upon waking phone

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:02 pm
by daneren2005
Ah yes, I think I already have the fix for that issue. It is the same root cause of the crashes on 4.4 (except it caused even more crashes in 4.4). I stopped getting the errors in my dev console, so I figure it was fixed. Looking at the code, it looks like I accidently put > 4.3 instead of >= 4.3. It will be fixed in the next release (assuming of course that I am correct in thinking the same fix will fix 4.3 as well).

PS I hate Google for arbitrarily deciding to start recycling the lockscreen images without even so much as mentioning it. Before I could just load one image and use it everywhere, now I have to pointlessly load a separate copy just for the lockscreen. It doesn't require much code, but it does add extra work for clients to do for no reason.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:13 am
by daneren2005
Let me know if the latest update does or doesn't fix it

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