Updating of Genres

Alternative Android Client for Subsonic

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Updating of Genres

Postby ds47uk » Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:54 pm

I recently changed a lot of the genres on the ID3 tags of the music collection on my server. Dsub (4.8.5) however did not register the changed genres, though "Recently Added" updated immediately OK.

This was easily fixed - I just created a new Dsub server with exactly the same address as the original and it immediately picked up the new genres.

However, I don't think this should not have been necessary - what is the "correct" way to re-sync the genre decriptions between PC-based subsonic server and Android-based Dsub client? Or did I just not wait long enough :D

Edit: I should have added that I browse by folder and not by tag

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Re: Updating of Genres

Postby daneren2005 » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:25 pm

There is no method to sync all of the genre changes. The server just has no such method. You can refresh the individual parts by manually refreshing each listing.

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