This is an example of what my folder structure looks like (you might have to scroll the code view to see it all):
- Code: Select all
+ Van Morrison
+ Too Long in Exile
+ Various Artists
+ Best of Blues
Classic Rock
+ Van Morrison
+ Tupelo Honey
+ Various Artists
+ Best of Classic Rock
+ Van Morrison
+ Down the Road
+ Various Artists
+ Best of Rock
In subsonic, I configure the following media folders:
- Code: Select all
Classic Rock
Displaying "All folders" in dsub looks like this. You can see the artists getting repeated multiple times, once for each media folder.
- Code: Select all
Van Morrison
+ Too Long in Exile
Van Morrison
+ Tupelo Honey
Van Morrison
+ Down the Road
Various Artists
+ Best of Blues
Various Artists
+ Best of Classic Rock
Various Artists
+ Best of Rock
What I would like to see:
- Code: Select all
Van Morrison
+ Down the Road
+ Too Long in Exile
+ Tupelo Honey
Various Artists
+ Best of Blues
+ Best of Classic Rock
+ Best of Rock
Can you make this happen?