I use MusicCabinet, and I am so impressed at how DSub handles it. Genres, Genre Radio, Artist Radio, Related Artists, Top Tracks. Very impressive.
I love that I can view my music by tags (Library) and by Media Folders, but I currently don't like the implementation of Media Folders.
Currently, when in Library mode, Media Folders shows up at the top of the list, then below that is the Genre Radio if browsing a particular genre, then the list of artists. It doesn't seem intuitive to locate Media Folders there. Could you move it up to the top bar where "Library" is displayed, the location you use for your implementation of breadcrumbs? So, when I'm in Library Mode, the breadcrumb area displays "Library" with an arrow indicating other choices, and if I tap that breadcrumb button displaying "Library", it drops down the breadcrumbs with Media Folders at the top, then Library, etc.
This is how you have implemented the Media Folders mode, but in reverse. "Library" is always available at the top of the breadcrumb drop-down. I guess more simply said, I would like to see "Media Folders" always available at the top of the breadcrumb drop-down when in Library mode.
p.s. What's the difference between "All folders" and "All genres" in Library mode? Is it a duplication?