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DSub stops casting to XBMC if I change playlist

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:56 pm
by huladaddy
Casting from DSub to my XBMC works beautifully, however if I change the playlist, DSub will play the first song from that playlist and then stop. I can manually start it playing the next song, but then it stops after playing that song. I have to force quit DSub in order to restore proper functioning of the casting to XBMC. Any ideas?

Re: DSub stops casting to XBMC if I change playlist

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:09 am
by daneren2005
I will take a look at it and fix it. Thanks for letting me know

Re: DSub stops casting to XBMC if I change playlist

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:35 pm
by daneren2005
I am unable to reproduce this. What version of XBMC/Kodi are you using? I am using 15.2

Re: DSub stops casting to XBMC if I change playlist

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:08 am
by daneren2005
I was seeing some issues with setting up the next playing song with XBMC related to it saying it was playing before it actually was. This might be related to the issue you are having. Give this apk a try and let me know if it fixes your issue: ... a.apk?dl=0

Re: DSub stops casting to XBMC if I change playlist

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:22 pm
by huladaddy
Sorry. Didn't see these messages until today. I an downloading the update from the Play Store. I assume it contains the fixes you are talking about above. I'll let you know whether it resolves the issue I was having.

Re: DSub stops casting to XBMC if I change playlist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:31 am
by huladaddy
It DID fix my issue. Big thanks! BUT, I seem to be having a new issue (still while streaming to xbmc). Playback seems to stop part way through a playlist, with an error message saying that Dsub has stopped responding, would I like to wait or close. I haven't had time to look into it too thoroughly yet. Oh, and Merry Christmas

Re: DSub stops casting to XBMC if I change playlist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:00 pm
by daneren2005
After that happens send me a log (Home tab -> overflow menu -> Send Logs) and I can see what the error is.