Tlsv1.1 and Tlsv1.2 protocol support
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:58 am
Hi, any chance of including Tlsv1.1 and Tlsv1.2 protocol support in DSub for Android 4.4?
Currently I'm running an Apache proxy server in front of my Subsonic server, but connectivity is failing from Android 4.4.4 when using https where support for (less secure) Tlsv1.0 protocol is removed. This seems not to be an issue when using Android 5. Thanks.
Currently I'm running an Apache proxy server in front of my Subsonic server, but connectivity is failing from Android 4.4.4 when using https where support for (less secure) Tlsv1.0 protocol is removed. This seems not to be an issue when using Android 5. Thanks.