by brtkrbzhnv » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:04 am
I tried using UltraSonic today for the first time, after Subsonic started giving me a "didn't understand the reply. please check the server" error (which, luckily, didn’t happen with UltraSonic). Anyway, the problem I’m experiencing is that playback is paused whenever a track ends, i.e. focus switches to the next track, but playback of that track does not start (and I have to tap the pause button for it to resume). This happens even if the track in question has been fully downloaded, as well as during offline playback, every time a track ends. I haven’t experienced anything similar with other apps.
The phone is a ZTE Blade III running Android 4.0.4, and the server is running Supersonic 4.7.beta1, and UltraSonic I downloaded a few hours ago from Google Play.
EDIT: A clue: when I disconnect my headphones, playback resumes.