Hi all,
The first release of my Subsonic experiment, SubSatellite is now available from http://www.avsubapp.co.uk/subSatellite.html
SubSatellite is a small satellite receiver for SubSonic. It only has a jukebox-like REST API, and is intended to be controlled from a client. AVSub 9.1 has support for SubSatellite within its Jukebox support.
The idea is you install SubSatellite on a Java compatible device that is connected to a sound system. You tell your client (AVSub) where to find SubSatellite on your network, then the client connects to both Subsonic and SubSatellite. The client browses your music by querying Subsonic just as it does now, but when you go to play audio, it instructs SubSatellite to play the music. SubSatellite then streams the chosen music from SubSonic, playing the audio through the connected sound-system.
You can deploy multiple SubSatellite instances and have a multi-room style setup, all with a single Subsonic server. SubSatellite configuration (i.e, how SubSatellite connects to SubSonic) is specified in the client (AVSub), so config is very straightforward. For the first release SubSatellite is a JAR file.
I'll be uploading a diagram of this shortly, which explains it much better!
The project is open source, and the GitHub repository is linked from the SubSatellite page above.
Please take a look and let me know your thoughts.