V18 of AVSub is out now and can be downloaded here - https://itunes.apple.com/uk/app/carsub/id923424694?mt=8
V18 adds the following new features:
- New enhanced view for browsing your media in folder mode. Artists are recognised and presented with artist artwork and biography, albums, top songs and similar artists. Choose whether this appears all the time or just on WiFi, plus other configuration options. This is a great way to rediscover artists in your collection.
- New suggestions component right on the front screen. See what's new, what's been listened to recently and what's popular. Play direct from the front screen with a single tap. The number of items is configurable too.
- Trigger a refresh of the Subsonic folders from within Settings
- Control over more UI colours using a colour picker
- Small UI tweaks to tidy up a few things
- Various bug fixes
I tried to add features that took advantage of the data you can get from AVSub to enrich the experience. I'll be looking to further take advantage of this sort of related data in future releases too.
On the website, I've added the AVSub tips to the FAQ page (which is now the tips/FAQ page) - see http://www.avsubapp.co.uk/faqs.html
V19 is underway and hopefully there won't be such a big gap this time
