Missing subtitle when using chromecast.

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Missing subtitle when using chromecast.

Postby Balnes » Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:19 pm


Great app!

I'm trying to stream a video that has a separate srt file, but the subtitle is not displayed on the TV.
I read something that chromecast do not support separate srt file, so I embeded it into the mkv file using MKVToolNix, but that didn't help either.
Then I found this article about subtitle and FFmpeg?
Is it possible in some way to add something to the transcoding settings in subsonic to burn text subtitles to the mkv files_

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Re: Missing subtitle when using chromecast.

Postby rich600 » Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:06 pm


transcoding settings are defined in Subsonic, not AVSub.

I'm sure someone on one of the other Subsonic forums has done this already - take a look

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