V19 is out - widget, favorite radio station + more

An iOS Subsonic Client

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V19 is out - widget, favorite radio station + more

Postby rich600 » Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:55 pm

Hi all,

V19 of AVSub is out now and can be downloaded here - https://itunes.apple.com/uk/app/carsub/id923424694?mt=8

V19 of AVSub has the following new features:

- Notification center/Today screen widget - this shows your most recently played items so you can jump right back in where you left off with a single tap
- If you have a 3D touch enabled device, you can select a favourite Internet radio station (swipe on the cell) and play it direct from the AVSub quick-shortcut menu
- If you have a large music collection, you can choose to refresh your artist/folder list manually
- You can navigate 'back' by a left-to-right swipe
- If you're using Replay Gain, the dB value being applied will now show on the equaliser screen
- You can now show index letters for your album lists
- You can now choose the colours of the UI buttons
- You can disable the suggestions view (*sadface*) independantly of the enhanced view

The following bugs have been fixed:

- Fixed Replay Gain!
- Accessory view was causing a problem with display of swipeable table cells
- The play icon is back on the iPhone 5!
- Fixed a bug in reading Replay Gain tags (caused by a typo in their documentation!)

Please keep sending in your feature requests either direct to me or via this forum.

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Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:54 pm

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