Cache multiple

An iOS Subsonic Client

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Cache multiple

Postby squipple » Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:14 pm

Since I want to listen to my music in the car, and I don't want to kill my data plan, I want to cache a lot of music at once.
Is there a way to cache multiple folders instead of each folder individually? I'm looking to cache my whole collection so I can just use it all locally.
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Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:02 am

Re: Cache multiple

Postby 3Dscrewer » Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:21 am

Yeah, most of the clients like to have a big Data Package and also the most iPhone Clients are having Problems with the caching option. I have a 512GB XS Max
and my Library is
6.085 Künstler
19.772 Alben
228.792 Songs (in total with double Titles over 250.000)
8488,47 GB (~ 19.538 Stunden)
I have still the same problem and since I'm a bit outside the citys with bad mobile connection, AVsub needs a couple of minutes to start, or it is simply crashing.
AVsub is for me not very handy and/or you have to think around edges .... but it is working so far.

The Best way should be to create one or more playlist(s) at your PC go to AVsub choose Playlist swipe the playlist to right and choose download.
For me the handling/creating playlists inside AVsub, is awfull. But you can go to Artist or Folder and choose play/shuffle all. Go back to playlist and create/save a playlist from the actual stack, (and add before some Albums to it) but Subsonic is easier ...
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