Jukebox mode: explain it to me like I'm 5

An iOS Subsonic Client

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Jukebox mode: explain it to me like I'm 5

Postby Boutros » Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:07 pm

I've been banging around Subsonic stuff for almost 10 years now, but have somehow never figured out how to do Jukebox mode, and I feel like it's time. Anyone want to tell me what I'm missing here?

I'm running Madsonic via the web app on a Windows machine, which I'd like to control with AVSub on my iPhone.

In Madsonic:
I've given my account access to Jukebox mode.

In AVSub:
Under Jukebox settings, I've activated SubSatellite mode and supplied the internal 192.168.x.x:xxxx IP address where Madsonic lives.
Under SubSatellite settings, I've supplied my custom xxxxx.madsonic.org server address and my Username/password credentials

What happens next? When I click "Jukebox" (or "Subsatellite is on") on the home screen, I get "SubSonic server error: AVsub got confused!" I am also confused.

A shiny all-access membership to my server for the person who can help me make this work :)
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Re: Jukebox mode: explain it to me like I'm 5

Postby rich600 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:47 pm


Jukebox mode and SubSatellite are not the same thing. They are similar, but JukeBox mode is a feature of Subsonic and SubSatellite was an AVSub experiment that never took off.

Basically though in Jukebox mode it uses your server to play music on. So if you want to use this with AVSub, purchase the upgrade and then select Jukebox mode from the main menu. Then anything you play via AVSub will be played on your server directly.

All clear?

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