Misc Oddities / Newb Inquiries

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Misc Oddities / Newb Inquiries

Postby BadServo » Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:16 pm

I've gotten SubSonic up and running, purchased Premium, and tweaked everything to my liking. So far it's working great. However, I've encountered a couple unusual things that I don't understand and haven't found info in the forums after a cursory search. My apologies if I've missed something, but I was hoping someone could shed some light on the following questions. For reference, I'm using 5.0 Beta 2 on a Windows 8.1 64-bit machine.

1) Missing Singles: I'm slowly importing all my music as I verify that the tags are correct. Much of my music are single files that have no album (mashups, online exclusive tracks, indie singles). I have them in folders on the server (i.e. Mashups, Singles, Mixtapes) and have added these folders to the server's media section. While I can see these track in their respective sections on the web-based interface, these media folders appear empty on the official mobile app. These files do not appear in the "Recently Added" section on either web or mobile. Is this normal? Must these single files be placed in sub-folders for the mobile app to pick them up in the library?

2) Cover Art: Many of the file types above do not have proper cover art. It's not a question of tagging, they just never had proper art created. I've noticed when playing a file of this type, it appears to be using a random, unrelated piece of cover art instead. Is that normal? Is there any way to stop that? I'd rather the cover art be blank than incorrect.

3) Multiple Players: When I came into work today and connected to the web-based interface, I noticed there was a new pull-down box to the left of the player bar. The box gives me the option of "Player6" and "Player14". The latter is what I'm currently listening to, while the former appears to be a randomly generated playlist that I was listening to the previous day on the same account. If I click on the "Status" section, it shows both players as attached to my username. I'm curious what exactly causes this behavior, if it can be prevented, and if there is a way to purge the old player?

4) Incorrect Listening Info: When I play something on the mobile app, and then log into the web-based interface, it seems to be showing the incorrect information for what I was listening to. This isn't especially bothersome, but it would be nice if this was accurate once the rest of my family starts using the server. Is there some obvious setting I've overlooked that causes this?

Again, please forgive my newbness. Any insight is appreciated.
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Re: Misc Oddities / Newb Inquiries

Postby mitrailer » Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:59 pm

I have no answers to your questions, sorry... however for the mobile app I recommend you "DSub" is not free but worth every penny.
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Re: Misc Oddities / Newb Inquiries

Postby BadServo » Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:34 pm

mitrailer wrote:I have no answers to your questions, sorry... however for the mobile app I recommend you "DSub" is not free but worth every penny.

I appreciate the suggestion. I've actually already purchased it, but am having some issues with it as well. I've contacted the author and he's working on a fix as it appears to be an app issue.
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Re: Misc Oddities / Newb Inquiries

Postby daneren2005 » Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:08 am

1) In DSub there is a special root folder to display these, as you are in correct in that they don't normally show up if they are there.
2) Are you talking about the one color on top with a strip of another on the bottom? That is on purpose. It is just the placeholder album art.
3) I've never spent much time figuring out what the different players are tbh.
4) This is a limitation of the API with no current work around. The server reads a download as a "play", even though most mobile clients cache the songs ahead of time and play it without initiating another "play" later.
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Re: Misc Oddities / Newb Inquiries

Postby BadServo » Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:00 pm

daneren2005 wrote:1) In DSub there is a special root folder to display these, as you are in correct in that they don't normally show up if they are there.

Yeah, it's strange behavior. Since they also vanish if "Sort by Tags" is enabled in DSub, I'm wondering if it's the lack of an "Album" tag in the files that causes this as opposed to the lack of a subfolder. Will have to investigate.
daneren2005 wrote:2) Are you talking about the one color on top with a strip of another on the bottom? That is on purpose. It is just the placeholder album art.

Yes, and no. Yes, the incorrect image I saw was an autogenerated placeholder art, but the info on it was incorrect. For example, while listening to the artist Futurecop! I saw a placeholder image for Utada Hikaru. Oddly after a reboot of the host system, I've been unable to replicate this behavior despite it being reproducible yesterday. <shrugs>
daneren2005 wrote:4) This is a limitation of the API with no current work around. The server reads a download as a "play", even though most mobile clients cache the songs ahead of time and play it without initiating another "play" later.

Ah, this makes sense. It's of no consequence really, was just curious.

Thanks again for you help, mate.
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