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Problem with Remote Access

PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:46 pm
by rchrdm
Remote access has been working OK. That is, I could control the music from the server computer on a remote computer.

However, something changed and now the two computers control the music independently. I can play from either computer but they no longer share a screen - that is, the same Subsonic interface. I can start music on either the server or remote and both tracks will play at the same time! I can't see what the remote computer is playing if I look at the server computer and vice-versa.

I log into the server computer as admin and to the remote computer with a an account I set up on the server computer.

I tried connecting to the server from yet another remote computer. I can connect and see the list of music, but the audio only plays on that computer. Huh?

Suggestions? (Probably something simple.)