Smart TV playback problem

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Smart TV playback problem

Postby PJHolloway » Fri Dec 09, 2022 12:49 am

I've been using Subsonic to stream video and music from my PC to my LG Smart TV. Subsonic appears as one of the sources and I can see all the media files on my PC. However, it will only play some videos. The ones it will not play streaming via Subsonic will play on the TV if I put them on a USB stick. This seems weird. Is it a codec problem? Do I need to transcode these problem videos? It's easier to simply copy to a USB stick, which kind of defeats the object. Any suggestions?

Also, I cannot get my Android devices to see the server, no matter what I do - it refuses to connect, even if all firewalls are off - but I'll submit that separately - I only mention it in case it's part of the above problem.
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Re: Smart TV playback problem

Postby PJHolloway » Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:28 pm

Connection problem solved by disconnecting my VPN (doh!), but it still won't play some MP4 video files on my LG Smart TV, saying "This file cannot be recognized", yet it plays on my PC, and plays on the TV if it's on a USB stick. Other MP4s it plays without any problems. Weird. How can it play a video if it's on a USB but not if it's streaming?

I'm thinking it's a Smart TV problem, not a Subsonic problem, as the same videos play on my tablet without any problems, but I'm really not sure. I've asked LG (won't hold my breath). Any suggestions from the clever and well-informed people here will be gratefully received.
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Re: Smart TV playback problem

Postby G8DHE » Sat Dec 10, 2022 5:17 pm

Have you checked the "Transcoding" Tab under settings, maybe you have some unexpected entry that is changing a particular file type to something unexpected ?
Geoff G8DHE
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Re: Smart TV playback problem

Postby PJHolloway » Wed Feb 01, 2023 11:36 pm

I'm so sorry G8DHE, I missed this response until today. Thank you, though I only have the default settings in the transcoding section, so I doubt it's that. I'm not clear on how transcoding works. Why would the server need to transcode a video that my Smart TV can play when it's on a USB stick?

Mostly I can play videos, as long as I remember to disengage my VPN, it's just the odd one that doesn't want to play when streamed, for no apparent reason. I can live with it.

Overall, I'm impressed with Subsonic. It was very useful when my PC display died recently, as I could play videos and music on my mobile devices via Subsonic :-)
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