Transfer STARRED information

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Transfer STARRED information

Postby artiko90 » Wed Apr 19, 2023 4:04 pm

i would like to know how can i transfer the information of "Starred" from my subsonic server.
I have many MP3s that i want to declare "Starred" but i don't want to declare them directly in Subsonic.
I want to "tag" them in my folders (maybe using ID3?) because i use these files also in other music players.
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Re: Transfer STARRED information

Postby acroyear » Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:32 pm

unfortunately the STAR and RATING systems of subsonic are hard-coded into the Subsonic database. They aren't shared with the ID3, as those features of ID3 didn't exist when the app started, and even moving to ID3.2vX, the semantics of them weren't agreed upon by several of the major ID3 client applications* , so the app maker decided not to incorporate them.

* e.g., iTunes doesn't support them either and also just uses its own DB to store things.
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