Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

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Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

Postby Michael Bech Hansen » Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:00 pm

Hi Sindre,

Please add support for the ORIGYEAR ID3 tag, to get the year right on album re-issues.
Typically re-mastered / re-issued albums will have the year of the re-issue instead of the original album year.
play:Sub has seen multiple feature requests for ordering albums on ORIGYEAR.

Additionally support for exposing COMPOSER and DIRECTOR tags would be awesome.
Classical music lovers will love support for this.

And lastly, please expose the above information in the REST API for apps to use.

Developer of play:Sub for iOS.
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Michael Bech Hansen
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Re: Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

Postby apastuszak » Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:00 pm

Oh yes please!

I use beets to tag everything. Beets uses musicbrainz, and Musizbrainz uses the Original Year tag for the year the album came out, and the YEAR tag for the year the release came out. Makes it so easy to identify which version of an album you have.
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Re: Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

Postby Alsaya » Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:34 pm

Subsonic on Server 2012, only flac
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Re: Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

Postby heylookltsme » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:16 pm

+1 +1 +1

I'm also a beets user and I have this exact original year vs year problem too! I would love it if subsonic would support original year. Pretty much all my music before 1982 has its year listed inaccurately in subsonic... ;p

Thanks Sindre for your consideration!
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Re: Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

Postby vferg » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:44 pm

I never even knew this was a tag, but now that I do I as well would love to see the original year tag added.
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Re: Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

Postby Redsyrup » Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:53 pm

In addition to COMPOSER I'd also like to see COMMENT truncated '...' at the end of the column length and DISCNUMBER. Attached here is a mock-up image of those in settings. Thanks Subsonic Creator and Forum Curators!

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Re: Support for more metadata: ORIGYEAR, COMPOSER, ...

Postby DLu » Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:03 pm

+1 for this old feature request.

I think more generally, it would be nice to add a parameter to `getSong` in the API called `extra_tag_names` (or something similar), that would be an arbitrary list of tags that would return the values of those tags in the API results.
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