Play Random (more tracks or user configurable)

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Play Random (more tracks or user configurable)

Postby Concept211 » Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:54 pm

It's great that now we have the "Play Random" feature to play a random selection of an artist or album, but it only loads 10 tracks. It would be nice to make this a user configurable setting to allow us to specify 10, 25, 50, All.

What do you think?
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Re: Play Random (more tracks or user configurable)

Postby operat0r » Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:05 pm

So I think the listSize used to work but now it does not as far as I can tell. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to only have max 50 songs when you have almost 100K songs… I tried in like 15 places for like 4+ hours and it passes the listSize parameter but does nothing… the only solution I found was to use complicated option (not really under active development and I didn’t want to complicate things further..) or the ‘more’ button on the left navigation menu and replace the ‘Shuffle play’ default value 20 with my own…

Replace the 1000 with how ever many you want to load.. This still does not solve the problem of “recent” with more then 50 albums but that’s manageable ..

# script
find / -iname "more.jsp" -exec sed 's/value="20"/value="1000"/g' -i".bk.$RANDOM" '{}' \;

# example changes ... 3615105cea

Things I tried:
• Used Web developer plugin to clear cookies
• Went into settings and deleted all the players
• Restarted subsonic
• It could be a java/class/jsp thing but I don’t want to have to compile any java just for more then 50 songs …
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