SubFire 1.4 now supports Firefox app, multiple configs

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SubFire 1.4 now supports Firefox app, multiple configs

Postby acroyear » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:46 pm

Some minor updates to usability, but the big update now is that SubFire can be installed as an app via Firefox, for desktop and mobile. When running the app in the Firefox browser, look for the action button (next to refresh) in the upper right corner. You can click it to install the app directly onto your desktop or device.

Uninstall it by going through the normal application uninstall process:

OSX: just remove the .app file from your /Applications
Windows: uninstall the app through the control panel
Android: uninstall the app through Applications Manager

After I fix a few usability things (the 'zoom' that is broken for buttons in windows > 1441 wide, for example), I'll see about installing through the Firefox Marketplace.

One thing of note is that Firefox does not have the "currentTime" bugs that Chrome (>39) for Android has, which means that the music generally plays correctly. You may need to hit the 'Play' button to get things started even after loading a queue/album, but I'll see if I can fix that in the next few weeks.

I do not have a Firefox OS device at this time to see how it handles things.

The app is a hosted app (much like the Chrome app version used to be), so updates to the web version should be automatically seen on your device as they happen. I do not know how often (or if ever) the Android version will update its version number as the manifest changes.
Last edited by acroyear on Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SubFire 1.2 now supports Firefox app installation

Postby acroyear » Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:05 am

Known issue on Firefox: if you're routing through a * URL instead of directly talking to your server, the 'duration' gets broken. Not sure what is causing that, and it doesn't happen on Chrome.

Write Once, Test Everywhere. Not one browser is perfect at this at all.
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SubFire 1.4 now supports Firefox app, multiple configs

Postby acroyear » Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:50 am

1.4 is released, which will have support for maintaining multiple logins. It even includes a 'copy' mechanism: load one configuration, make your minor changes (different username, for example), update the password, and you create a new configuration without losing the old. Real time saver for me, that, as my two servers only differ in what port they use.

Yes, you can delete a config, so long as it isn't the current one - I need to make sure there is always one configuration in the client.

FireTV version includes some navigation fixes, once it is approved (should be out by tomorrow night).


SubFire is one of the most flexible clients out there, I think, supporting more platforms than any other. Here's my recommended way of using it:

Desktop: Install the Chrome app, or the Firefox app if not a Chrome user. Both work Windows, OSX, and Linux.
Fire Tablets: Install the app from Amazon's App Store
Fire TV: Install the app from Amazon's App Store
Android 4: Bookmark the web page in the bundled browser (NOT Chrome, which has a bad bug in its audio tag), or install the app via Firefox
Android 5: Install the app via Firefox, or bookmark the web page in the bundled browser (NOT Chrome, which has a bad bug in its audio tag)
IOS: It should run in Safari reasonably well. I have not tried to run it in Firefox or install the Firefox app that way yet.
AndroidTV-Chromecast (Nexus): it does chromecast ok, but I haven't got it using its own html5 client or properly configuring the generic client, so currently you're better off casting from the main desktop webpage. This is on the ToDo list.

I have an apk file of it via Adobe's PhoneGap Build for android, which I may someday make available to side-load, but currently it is bundled with Chrome 46, so it has the same bad error that Chrome itself does on Android re: the audio tag and 'currentTime'. It works ok on Android 4, but horribly on 5 (where-as the Firefox app works wonderfully on 5). Until that gets resolved, I'm not yet looking to target Samsung's AndroidTV. I also don't have one to test on.

In any case, except for the TV platforms, one can always preview it via, which is usually the first platform to get any upgrades and new features.

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SubFire 1.4.1: folder browsing has top songs, radio mode

Postby acroyear » Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:06 am

Version 1.4.1 has been submitted to the various app-stores and published on the web. This adds the same buttons (play all, shuffle, top songs, and 'radio') to the folder browsing just like they are in the artist page.
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Re: SubFire 1.4 now supports Firefox app, multiple configs

Postby dough10 » Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:27 pm

Is the source for subfire on the web some where? I would be interested to see how you implemented the multiple configs. I have had a request to add it to polysonic and I and just curious how others are doing it.

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Re: SubFire 1.4 now supports Firefox app, multiple configs

Postby acroyear » Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:58 am

(source query answered off-line) - SubFire can now be found on the Firefox Marketplace.

Not sure I said earlier, but yes, this gives one the ability to install it as an 'app' on Android 5.1 without the annoying "currentTime" bug that plagues Chrome for Android. I've been using the Firefox version on my Samsung G6 for a couple of weeks now and it has been almost flawless.
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