Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby acroyear » Mon May 02, 2016 5:07 pm

maybe there's something funny about the ID3 tag used by .flac files for disc #, different from the tag used by mp3s?

My collection is mp3 and multi-disc albums are sorted fine.
Joe Shelby
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby cnliberal » Tue May 03, 2016 1:09 pm

acroyear wrote:maybe there's something funny about the ID3 tag used by .flac files for disc #, different from the tag used by mp3s?

My collection is mp3 and multi-disc albums are sorted fine.


Are your disc tags in the same format mine are?

Disc: 01/01
Disc: 01/02
Disc: 02/02

If there's another way to read the tag directly, that could maybe shed some light on the issue. I'm using MP3Tag and MediaMonkey to sort my music. Thanks!
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby acroyear » Tue May 03, 2016 2:31 pm

I use iTunes to fix my disc issues usually. The tag is TPOS, and I usually get something like

May 3, 2016 10:26:27 AM org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.framebody.AbstractID3v2FrameBody read
INFO: Reading body forTPOS:6
May 3, 2016 10:26:27 AM org.jaudiotagger.tag.datatype.NumberFixedLength readByteArray
INFO: Read NumberFixedlength:0
May 3, 2016 10:26:27 AM org.jaudiotagger.tag.datatype.PartOfSet readByteArray
INFO: Read SizeTerminatedString:6/10 size:5

TPOS ==> "Part of Set"

I believe JAudioTagger, or a derivative, is also the library used in Subsonic. Note, I don't have any that have a leading 0, in either the disc number nor the total discs. In the API, the JSON gives me a number back. It could be that those leading 0s you have are causing the tag parser to fail? I can't say if they are in the file itself or just in the rendering.
Joe Shelby
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Re: Subsonic 6.0.beta2 released

Postby centuryx476 » Fri May 06, 2016 1:11 pm

Where is the subtitle option?
I have many shows with subtitle options and would like to turn subtitles on.

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