This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the community

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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby toolman » Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:30 pm

Like texxasrulez I feel this bashing has been going on long enough.
Ok, we all know that there are people who feel that Sindre has no right to declare his own product closed source.
( Yeah,I know! It's so bizarre when people protect their own product on which they have worked for 12 years.)
But he did and he's most likely not going to reconsider that decision.
So stop acting like spoiled brats and move on to madsonic or libresonic or whatever fork you're interested in and stop complaining about how "Sindre did you wrong".
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby CM1973 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:43 pm

apastuszak wrote:You are allowed to sell open source software. There is no clause against the sale of GPLed software.

So did you you *BUY* an open source *PRODUCT*, or did you *CONTRIBUTE* to an open source *PROJECT*?

If you think it was the latter, then I'm afraid you were mistaken.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby apastuszak » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:48 pm

CM1973 wrote:
apastuszak wrote:You are allowed to sell open source software. There is no clause against the sale of GPLed software.

So did you you *BUY* an open source *PRODUCT*, or did you *CONTRIBUTE* to an open source *PROJECT*?

If you think it was the latter, then I'm afraid you were mistaken.

I BOUGHT an open source PRODUCT.

I have not contributed any code, or official documentation to this project in any way. I am merely a consumer.

It's clear to me that the author used open source as a marketing tool, since he claims he did not accept patches from anyone. Is that in the spirit of open source? Probably not. But it's not against the license either.

If the lack of open source is really annoying you, then go get $24 and get a Madsonic annual subscription and enjoy your GPL3 licensed code. Then crank up some music and relax.

It's not like Subsonic is the only choice out there.

And I believe that 6.0 beta 2 is still open source. Go get the source and write your own app. It's a free Internet.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby toolman » Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:01 pm

It's completely useless to have these discussions. Everyone who thinks that Sindre has "scammed" them will keep repeating the same line:
Sindre has no right to change a product on which he has been working for more than 12 years.
They can indeed go back to the open source editions of Subsonic and start building from there, but that's a hell of a lot more effort than bashing Sindre.
Just ignore them. They don't deserve any attention.
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby mikes » Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:40 am

CM1973 wrote:
mikes wrote:People already have - they contributed money to what was sold as an open source project.

'...sold as an open source project...' :roll:
Do you often watch comments fly over your head?
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Re: This just in: Sindre has turned his back on the communit

Postby alphawave7 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 6:58 pm

This forum's purpose has always been a place to help others, and has always respected opposing views, so long as they engage with respect and are productive to conversation's topic. A thread has run its course when comments are no longer productive and/or become personal, which is off topic. For this reason, the topic is now locked.
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