play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh...

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play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh...

Postby Michael Bech Hansen » Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:31 pm

Hi all,

Another update of play:Sub is on it's way to the App Store.
Here's the news:
HI-rez digital output up to 24bit / 192 kHz supported.

Volume normalization is now supported; track and/or album gain can now be applied intelligently to the playqueue.

Equalizers now have preamp gain, making it easier to match volume level across different equalizers.
When editing equalizers, changes are applied immidiately to the playing audio, making it easier to get the right sound.

Crossfade just became way more flexible with criteria for when crossfade should be active: Always, Shuffle and Auto.
Automatic crossfade mode will crossfade tracks that are not from the same album,
making it possible to automatically crossfade shuffled or mixed play queues, and switch to gapless mode automatically when playing albums.

The user interface has been reworked and enhanced in a lot of small and big ways:
New black theme.
play:Sub now sports a miniplayer for quick access to play, pause and skipping.
The player screen now integrates the playqueue and information screens; swipe left/right to access.
● The content of the app is now configurable, and you can hide the parts that is not relevant for you.
● Set the default listtype in all sections of the app.
● Set the text-size and artwork size.

Fixed issues related to caching.
Fixed Chromecast issues.
Fixed Offline mode was not always respected.
Fixed Streaming robustness increased when connection drops due to connectivity issues.
Fixed Large podcast collections never load.
Fixed play queue now shows in playback order when shuffle is ON.
Fixed offline mode was not properly set when connectivity was fine, but server was down.
Fixed a problem with detecting the amount of free space, which was affecting cache size settings.

Get it on the App Store here:

Have a nice summer,
Developer of play:Sub for iOS.
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Michael Bech Hansen
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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:12 pm

Re: play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh

Postby Trufax » Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:29 pm


very cool new features. Good work. Is there any plan to make folder selectable? I use my Subsonic with several friends and we separate our music by folder. Would be cool if i can use this feature similar to the web interface.

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Re: play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh

Postby Michael Bech Hansen » Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:46 pm

Yes, Mediafolder support is being added in the next version of play:Sub.

Developer of play:Sub for iOS.
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Michael Bech Hansen
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Re: play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh

Postby DataFran » Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:24 pm

Hi! So I've recently switched to using Play:Sub from the classic iSub and for the most part it does exactly what I'd hope. It's more modern, looks great, and is easy to navigate and use.

One feature request: Is it possible to add a breadcrumb trail so that, if I'm listening to an artist, I can easily back out to the artist folder and select another album, without going all the way back to the artist list or search and navigating again to the artist folder?


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Re: play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh

Postby Michael Bech Hansen » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:12 pm


DataFran wrote:One feature request: Is it possible to add a breadcrumb trail so that, if I'm listening to an artist, I can easily back out to the artist folder and select another album, without going all the way back to the artist list or search and navigating again to the artist folder?

Currently you achieve something similar by activating the context menu on the player screen and select either:
"Show Artist"
"Show Folder" / "Show Album" and back on level up from there.
These shortcuts work from the currently playing song.

The same shortcuts are available almost everywhere when long pressing a row, for example it could be useful in the queue screen as well.

I hope this works for you... lee get back to me again.

Developer of play:Sub for iOS.
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Michael Bech Hansen
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Re: play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh

Postby vferg » Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:12 pm

This makes me jealous... I am android only and have been using dsub for years. I wish they were still working on the app like you guys are. Any chance of porting over to Android at all?
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Re: play:Sub 1.9 (iOS): Hi-rez audio, replay gain, audio enh

Postby Michael Bech Hansen » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:07 pm


There's very little chance for play:Sub ever coming to Android:
Porting to Android would be starting development of a new app, with little reuse from the iOS app, except for the lessons learned along the way.
Also, I still have a rather long list of things I want to add to the app, and there's only so much time ;-)

Developer of play:Sub for iOS.
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Michael Bech Hansen
Posts: 88
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