play:Sub 1.11 (iOS) Internet Radio, Funkwhale, bugfixes

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play:Sub 1.11 (iOS) Internet Radio, Funkwhale, bugfixes

Postby Michael Bech Hansen » Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:29 pm


play:Sub 1.11 has been released to the App Store.

The main attraction in 1.11 is support for internet radio.
play:Sub now supports the radio stations configured on the server, and allow for adding and deleting radion stations on the server (Subsonic 6.1.2+).
play:Sub integrates the radio directory, giving instant access to 20000+ radiostations.

Internet Radio, Funkwhale, bugfixes

play:Sub supports Subsonic internet radiostations configured on your Subsonic server.
Add radiostions from a 20000+ radiostion directory, powered by
Stations may be shared on the Subsonic server (Subsonic 6.1.2+), or stored locally on device.

play:Sub now adapts to the capabilities of Funkwhale, a new Subsonic API compatible server.
Goto for details about Funkwhale.

New Support "ignored articles" as configured on the Subsonic server.
New Start serverside media rescan on compatible servers (requires Subsonic 6.1+ or compatible server).
New Support for newest Subsonic server versions.
Fixed iPhone status bar was sometimes not legible on player screen in light UI theme.
Fixed Mini message didnt extend below the notch for other notch device than the original X.
Fixed Occasionally it would take a long time before new serverside media was detected.
Fixed Resuming audiobooks not working properly.
Fixed Loading large folders (6000+ tracks) would time out.
Fixed Selecting tracks from a shuffled play queue did not work.
Fixed Deleting multiple songs from a playlist not possible.

Developer of play:Sub for iOS.
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Michael Bech Hansen
Posts: 88
Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:12 pm

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