Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:52 pm

@Joe thanks for all the input. i think i have the musicFolderId thing sorted and will be pushing 0.1.2 later today when im sure it is working better. the art not matching up you spoke of i have seen from time to time and am working on attempting to fix. core-list works in a interesting way with the album art element i made. the art is the last thing to load and the largest so this makes the art look as if it is loading slowly and sometimes not to match.

@Kalle the toast error you are seeing comes from a generic xmlhttprequest callback for onerror which you should only see if the app was able to connect to the server when the ping was sent on setup but has connection issues to the server after. i have not been able to reproduce this without disabling network connection. the add content message you are seeing is what displays when the wall has no content to display for any reason.

edit: just pushed update to version 0.1.2

-Fix for musicFolderId filter not updating list when changed
-Fix bug making list display no results if musicFolderId was set to 0
-Change size of default query down to 20 from 40 in a attempt to help load art quicker // changeable in settings menu
-Enhancement to UI of play queue dialog
-Fix bug in lazy load that caused app not to get additional albums correctly
-Various wording & minor UI updates
-Enhancement to UI for search dialog
-Option to see amount of space taken up by metadata in settings menu

as always thanks for all the feedback
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby acroyear » Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:20 am

ok, I just got a reply back on the API google group, and basically, discNumber sorting is on our own, in ID3 mode. you'll need to explicitly sort the results to get all the items with the same discNumber together.

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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:07 am

i don't know if i have any albums with more with 1 disk. could you query your server if you know a album that displays incorrectly for getAlbum.view with f=json and maybe post the response somewhere? actually most of my albums do not have a diskNumber. could be a issue with my ID3 info.

also i update app accouple times today

- performance fix when using Color Thief mode / must clear cache in settings

-typo fix

-add support for changing number of songs returned in shuffle mode

-add color thief support. used to dynamically style app based off dominant color of currently playing album art - **WORK IN PROGRESS not recommended and disabled by default** more info here http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/color-thief/

-all album art now fetched no larger then 550px greatly reducing the size of metadata stored in local storage // recommend going to settings and clearing cache and reload app after. this will ensure that all old art is cleared and new grabbed from server

any feedback on these features would be great. thanks Jimi
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby acroyear » Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:59 pm

That color-thief idea's pretty good, isn't it? :)

Here's a bit of code that will sort the albums in id3 mode (assuming 'res' is the result from the query, with subsonic-response popped off the top)

Code: Select all
        res.album.song.sort(function(a,b) {
          var da = a.discNumber || 0, db = b.discNumber || 0;
          var ta = a.track || 0, tb = b.track || 0;
          if (da === db) {
            // TODO - if ta === tb (no real id3 info?) consider sorting by path using localeCompare or just the < > compare operators?
            return ta - tb;
          } else {
            return da - db;

i'll attach an example file.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:59 pm

i think Color Thief is brilliant. i am hoping that it will help keep the red fab from clashing with some album art and it has helped with that but i need to come up with a way to make sure the fab color is not to close to the dominant color of the album cover.

thank you for the bit of code i have put it in and it will be live in 0.1.5 along with a redesigned album details page and improvements to Color Thief mode.

0.1.5 released

-update UI for album details

-improved Color Thief mode / now play fab on album details matches art if mode is enabled

-removed a transition in a attempt to fix audio stutter when animating between player and album wall

-remove function that stored scroller position. it is not needed with updates artist details and removal of transition

-better sorting for multi disk albums *thanks joe*
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:38 am

update pushed again today

still trying to performance tune. i have dropped a few animations i don't really think were needed but cost alot of resources. this should make the switch from album wall to playing much smoother. also when scrolling on album wall you should see less loading images and smoother scroll. i am still trying to find out the best number of albums to pull @ a time and @ what point on the page i should ask the server for more albums. any feed back on scroll performance of this version vs previous version would be very helpful.


-UI updates

-search disabled

-album wall now pulls a set number of albums at a time

-color thief now always enabled

-performance fixes
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby joost » Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:54 am

I don't use chrome. Can yo u make it work as HTML webapp? So I can paste the folder on my webserver.... Would be nice...
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:52 pm

there are a few issues wth making this app work in browser

1 app is configured to use chrome storage api and would have to be reconfigured to use to use the standard local storage api.

2 the app keeps album meta data in indexeddb and with it being a chrome app i can use the unlimitedStorage permission and get arround @ 50mb storage cap.

3 allowing the app in a browser i have no control over how many album elements appear on the page @ one time. the album element is the highest resource user in the app and i think having more then 10 on a page @ once would cause even fast pc's to suffer. this is the reason the app has a set size now.

edit: actually with most recent change performance of wall might not be as big of a issue as i thought before. i am going to experiment with maximizing the app and see how bad performance is. if it is manageable i could make player responsive and fix my #4 issue

4 the variable size means a redesign of player page as the album art would no longer fit the space. would cause you to only see a small strip of the artwork.

5 polymer does not work as well in other browsers due to the heavy use of web components which is not standard across all browser and requires a polyfil.

but even though i am not willing at this time to port this app to a browser that doesn't mean you can not. the source is on github https://github.com/dough10/PolySonic. i just ask if you port it to give me credit for my work and keep in mind the issues i stated above as i am sure most would come back to be a prob with the port.

thank you for your interest in the app.
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Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:27 pm


-minor performance enhancement for album-art / album-wall

-configured with chrome.i18n api / localization support only US English configured currently

-fix issue with download button cause by 0.1.6

-changed close button on album details to a back button

if there is any interest in this app supporting your language leave a comment here and let me know what language you would like me to support.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:01 pm


-minor UI changes

-when loging in with a url ending with a forward slash the app will now trim the slash from end of the url string and connect as usual in place of throwing a error toast

-corrected error toast when app fails to connect to server at login

-fix error when clearing stored settings that caused bit rate not to default back to 320kbps

-option to playback saved playlists as well as save current play queue to a playlist for playback at a later time
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby acroyear » Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:40 pm

dough10 wrote:-when loging in with a url ending with a forward slash the app will now trim the slash from end of the url string and connect as usual in place of throwing a error toast

you noticed that, too? I had to do the same for SubFire back in January or so. 8)
Joe Shelby
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:33 pm

acroyear wrote:you noticed that, too? I had to do the same for SubFire back in January or so. 8)

a user pointed that out to me on the projects github page. wasn't a bad fix only took a few mins. anything to help users connect without issue.
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:50 pm


- fix for bug when playing album from details dialog fab would go off screen leaving player without play queue button (caused by changes in 0.1.9)


-Last FM scrobble support

-restyle system button bar to better match other material design apps

-minor performance changes

-artist list now has a dropdown to jump to artist starting a letter
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:25 am


- redesign list mode for album wall to better match material design standards

- performance tweaks
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Re: Polysonic: Chrome packaged app html5 subsonic streamer

Postby dough10 » Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:17 am


- bug fix for bug caused by previous bug fix


- bug fixes (this version addresses the issue where audio pauses when returning to album wall / artist list)

please let me know if this patch doesn't fix the issue for you
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